Which VPNs have the Most Simultaneous Device Uses?

Welcome to our blog post where we talk about VPNs that offer the most simultaneous device connections. If you want to make sure all your devices are secure and connected to a dependable VPN, then you’ve come to the right spot. In this post, we will look at the top VPN services that offer the highest number of concurrent connections, so you can enjoy safe browsing on multiple devices at the same time. Come with us as we delve into the realm of VPNs and assist you in finding the ideal solution for your requirements. Let’s begin!

Which VPNs Have the Most Simultaneous Device Uses?


In this article, we will discuss two VPN providers that offer the most simultaneous device uses – TorGuard and Surfshark. We will explore the features, benefits, and promotional deals offered by these VPNs. Whether you are a frequent traveler, a small business owner, or a tech-savvy individual, finding a VPN that allows multiple device connections can significantly enhance your online experience. Let’s dive in and discover the top VPNs for simultaneous device usage!

TorGuard: A VPN with 12 Simultaneous Devices and a Dedicated IP

When it comes to simultaneous device usage, TorGuard is a frontrunner. With this VPN, you can connect up to 12 devices at the same time, allowing you to protect your entire network without any limitations. TorGuard offers an extensive range of features designed to provide a secure browsing experience.

Features of TorGuard:

  1. Dedicated IP Address: TorGuard provides a dedicated IP address option, which adds an extra layer of security to your online activities. With a dedicated IP, you can enjoy faster speeds and enhanced privacy.

  2. Secure Browsing: TorGuard uses advanced encryption protocols and secure tunneling technologies to safeguard your data from prying eyes. You can confidently browse the internet knowing that your online activities are protected.

  3. Discount Code: By using the discount code “tomspark2023,” you can avail of a 50% discount when signing up for TorGuard. This special promotional offer makes TorGuard an affordable option for users.

Surfshark: Unlimited Device Support and Exclusive Discount

Surfshark is another VPN provider that stands out for its unlimited device support. With Surfshark, you can connect as many devices as you want, providing convenience for individuals and families with multiple devices.

Features of Surfshark:

  1. Unlimited Device Support: Surfshark allows you to connect an unlimited number of devices to a single account. This means you can protect all your devices without having to worry about any restrictions.

  2. Extra Months and Discount: Surfshark offers an exclusive deal for its users. By signing up through the provided link, you can enjoy 4 extra months of service plus an 82% discount. This promotional offer ensures that you get the most value for your money.

Other Notable Features:

  • Join the Discord Community: Both TorGuard and Surfshark have a thriving Discord community, where users can connect, chat, and share experiences. You can join the community and interact with like-minded individuals who value online security and privacy.

  • VPN Quiz: If you are unsure about which VPN suits your needs, the website offers a VPN quiz. This helpful tool guides users in finding the best VPN based on their requirements, ensuring that they make an informed decision.

  • Independent Ratings: It is important to note that both TorGuard and Surfshark are highly regarded VPN providers, independent of their sponsorship. These VPNs have gained recognition for their reliable service, robust security measures, and user-friendly interfaces.


In conclusion, TorGuard and Surfshark are leading VPN providers that offer the most simultaneous device uses. With TorGuard’s 12 simultaneous devices and dedicated IP option, and Surfshark’s unlimited device support and exclusive discount, you can protect all your devices effortlessly. Both VPNs prioritize security, privacy, and user satisfaction. The promotional deals and discounts further make these VPN options appealing and affordable. Take advantage of these offers today and enjoy a secure and unrestricted online experience.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

  1. Can I use TorGuard and Surfshark on multiple devices simultaneously?
    Yes, both TorGuard and Surfshark allow simultaneous connections on multiple devices.

  2. How many devices can I connect with TorGuard?
    TorGuard allows you to connect up to 12 devices simultaneously.

  3. Are TorGuard and Surfshark reliable VPN providers?
    Yes, both TorGuard and Surfshark are highly regarded, independent of their sponsorship.

  4. How can I avail the promotional offers and discounts?
    You can activate the promotional offers and discounts through the links provided in the video description.

  5. Is there a way to determine which VPN suits my needs?
    Yes, you can take the VPN quiz available on the website to find the best VPN for your specific requirements.

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