Wat is cybercrime en hoe voorkom je het?

Cybercrime has emerged as a growing concern in today’s digital age. Every individual using the internet is at risk of falling prey to cybercrime. To avoid this, it’s crucial that one understands the various forms of cybercrime and implements essential measures for online protection. In this blog article, we’ll discuss the nature of cybercrime and offer useful strategies to prevent being targeted by cybercriminals.

Wat is cybercrime en hoe voorkom je het?


Cybersecurity is an area of concern for individuals and businesses alike. With the increasing prevalence of internet usage, cybercrime has become a major issue affecting everyone. Cybercrime refers to criminal activities that are carried out via the internet or other digital platforms. These activities can range from identity theft and fraud to hacking and malware attacks. To safeguard against cybercrime, individuals need to adopt certain measures to protect their personal and professional information.

In this article, the focus is on the video created by VPN Consult that revolves around cybersecurity. The article will discuss the key takeaways from the video along with additional measures one can take to prevent cybercrime.

The Importance of Cybersecurity

The video created by VPN Consult highlights the significance of cybersecurity. It emphasizes the need for individuals to take active measures to protect their information from cyber criminals. The video outlines the following steps to ensure cybersecurity:

  • Use of virus scanner to identify and prevent malware and viruses
  • Keeping software up-to-date to stay protected against security vulnerabilities
  • Creation of long, complex passwords with a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols for each account
  • Use of VPN to safeguard against hackers and protect personal IP address
  • Avoiding the use of the same password across different accounts and using a password manager to generate and store complex passwords
  • Verifying the sender of emails, WhatsApp messages, and SMS before clicking on links
  • Recognizing fake profiles online and being cautious when approached by suspicious accounts
  • Limiting what is shared on social media to prevent social engineering attacks
  • Only using public Wi-Fi with a VPN and being cautious of offers from unknown online stores
  • Being skeptical of information received online and seeking verification and support before taking any action

These steps are essential to prevent cybercrime and ensure that personal and professional information is secure.

Additional Measures to Prevent Cybercrime

Apart from the steps highlighted in the video, there are several other measures that individuals can take to prevent cybercrime. These measures include:

1. Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is an additional layer of security that requires individuals to provide two forms of identification to access their accounts. This can be in the form of a password and a code sent via SMS or email. Two-factor authentication makes it difficult for hackers to access accounts even if they have the password.

2. Encryption

Encryption is the process of converting data into a code to prevent unauthorized access. Individuals can use encryption software to encrypt their data and prevent it from being accessed by cybercriminals.

3. Regular Backups

Backing up data regularly ensures that even if an individual falls victim to cybercrime and loses their data, they can easily recover it from the backup. Regular backups can be done using cloud-based services or external hard drives.

4. Privacy Settings

Individuals should be cautious of what they share on social media platforms. They should regularly review their privacy settings to ensure that their personal information is not being shared publicly.


In conclusion, cybercrime is a major issue affecting individuals and businesses. To prevent cybercrime, individuals need to be aware of the measures they can take to protect their information. The video created by VPN Consult provides valuable information on safeguarding against cybercrime. In addition, individuals can adopt additional measures such as two-factor authentication, encryption, regular backups, and privacy settings to prevent cybercrime.


  1. What is cybercrime?
    Cybercrime refers to criminal activities that are carried out via the internet or other digital platforms. These activities can range from identity theft and fraud to hacking and malware attacks.

  2. Why is cybersecurity important?
    Cybersecurity is important to protect personal and professional information from cybercriminals.

  3. What are some measures to prevent cybercrime?
    Some measures to prevent cybercrime include the use of virus scanners, two-factor authentication, encryption, regular backups, and privacy settings.

  4. What is two-factor authentication?
    Two-factor authentication is an additional layer of security that requires individuals to provide two forms of identification to access their accounts.

  5. What is encryption?
    Encryption is the process of converting data into a code to prevent unauthorized access. Individuals can use encryption software to encrypt their data and prevent it from being accessed by cybercriminals.

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