TorGuard Made a Torrent Client?

Have you heard that TorGuard has developed its own Torrent client? Find out more about this exciting new update in the world of online privacy and file sharing.


If you’re a tech-savvy individual who loves to delve into the world of torrenting, you’ve probably heard about the latest buzz – TorGuard launching its very own torrent client. In the vast ocean of torrent clients out there, the question on everyone’s mind is: how does TorGuard’s offering stack up? Well, sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the depths of TorGuard’s torrent client in this comprehensive review.

Exploring TorGuard’s Torrent Client

So what’s the deal with TorGuard stepping into the torrent client arena? Let’s break it down for you:

  • TorGuard’s Venture: TorGuard, a prominent player in the VPN scene, made waves when they announced the launch of their very own torrent client. The blend of VPN expertise and torrenting capabilities has piqued the curiosity of many users.

  • Optimized Features for VPN Users: With a primary focus on VPN users, TorGuard’s torrent client boasts features that are tailored to enhance security and anonymity while torrenting.

  • Design and Interface: While the functionality is top-notch, some users have pointed out that the design and interface could benefit from a facelift. Navigating through the client may not be as intuitive as some of its competitors.

  • Setup Process: Setting up TorGuard’s torrent client requires you to enter your credentials, which might be a hassle for those looking for a quick and easy installation process.

  • Proxy Feature: One standout feature of the client is the proxy indicator, which gives users visibility into their connection status, ensuring peace of mind while torrenting.

  • Lack of Essential Controls: Unlike traditional torrent clients, TorGuard’s offering lacks basic controls like pause/play buttons, which can be a downside for users who rely on such functionalities.

  • Monetization through Ads: It’s worth noting that the application includes ads as part of its monetization strategy. While this helps keep the service free, some users might find it intrusive.

  • Main Selling Point: The proxy feature remains the main selling point of TorGuard’s torrent client. However, some users have noted that the functionality doesn’t stray far from what other torrent clients offer.


In conclusion, TorGuard’s foray into the realm of torrent clients has garnered mixed reactions from users. While the VPN-centric approach and proxy feature shine bright, areas like design, lack of essential controls, and the presence of ads raise some concerns. Ultimately, TorGuard’s torrent client offers a unique blend of security and functionality, but it may not be the ideal choice for all torrenting enthusiasts.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Does TorGuard’s torrent client support other VPN services?

    • No, TorGuard’s torrent client is specifically designed to work seamlessly with their VPN service.
  2. Can the ads in the application be removed?

    • Unfortunately, the ads in TorGuard’s torrent client are a permanent fixture and cannot be removed.
  3. Is TorGuard’s torrent client compatible with all operating systems?

    • TorGuard’s torrent client is compatible with major operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  4. Does the lack of pause/play buttons impact the user experience significantly?

    • While the absence of these controls may be inconvenient for some users, it ultimately depends on individual preferences.
  5. How does TorGuard’s proxy feature differ from other torrent clients?

    • TorGuard’s proxy feature provides users with real-time information on their connection status, offering an added layer of security and transparency.