NordVPN Review 2023 ???? Pros & Cons After 2 Years of Use

For the past two years, we have been utilizing NordVPN and believe it’s the right time to convey our insights to you. In our 2023 NordVPN review, we will examine the advantages and disadvantages of this widely-used VPN service. Our goal is to offer a balanced evaluation of NordVPN‘s capabilities, assisting you in making a well-informed choice. Therefore, if you’re contemplating trying out NordVPN or are just interested in learning more about it, continue with us.


If you are someone who is looking for a trustworthy and reliable virtual private network (VPN) service provider, you might have definitely come across NordVPN. NordVPN needs no introduction and is one of the top-rated VPNs available today. We have been using NordVPN for two years now, and in this article, we will be providing you with our honest and unbiased review of NordVPN. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

User-Friendly UI

One look at NordVPN’s UI and you can tell why it’s so popular among users. The app has a visually-pleasing interface, and the map that greets you upon launching the app makes it easy for users to connect to a server easily. The location markers are clear, and the country names are well-labeled. It is easy to navigate, and there is no need to be tech-savvy to use it to its full potential.

Robust Security and Privacy Features

NordVPN stands out from the crowd, especially when it comes to its security and privacy features. It uses RAM-only servers, which means that as soon as the server is turned off, every data that was stored on it is automatically wiped out. This makes it more secure as it prevents any sensitive data from becoming a victim of a data breach. Moreover, NordVPN has an anti-malware tool that works seamlessly and blocks malware from infecting your device.

Reliable Speeds and Performance

When it comes to speed and performance, NordVPN does a great job. Their proprietary protocol, NordLynx, manages to retain around 90% of the baseline speed, making it quite reliable. Moreover, it offers unlimited bandwidth, which means you can browse the net, stream movies, and games without any concerns.

Mediocre Router Support

NordVPN’s router support is subpar compared to its competitors. The setup process is relatively complicated, and the speeds are average. If you’re a frequent router user, this may not be the best VPN for you. However, it does support the majority of the major router firmware available.

Confusing macOS Apps

NordVPN has two different macOS apps, which can be perplexing for users. The first version has lesser features and trial versions, while the other version, NordVPN for macOS, is the full-featured app. Although the full-featured app works better, it can be puzzling and time-consuming.


Overall, NordVPN provides excellent security and privacy features that are essential for today’s digital age. Even though the router support and Mac apps may need some improvement, the VPN’s user-friendly interface and reliable speed make it a go-to for most users. If you are looking for a secure and versatile VPN, NordVPN should be your choice.


Q1. Am I secure if I use NordVPN?
A. Yes, NordVPN uses RAM-only servers and an anti-malware tool to ensure your security.

Q2. Does NordVPN offer router support?
A. Yes, but it is not as good as its competitors.

Q3. What is the main protocol used by NordVPN?
A. NordVPN’s primary protocol is NordLynx, which offers fast and reliable speeds.

Q4. Does NordVPN have any Mac apps?
A. Yes, NordVPN has two Mac apps, one with fewer features and a trial version and the other a full-featured app.

Q5. Does buying NordVPN through your links offer any discounts?
A. Yes, we offer exclusive discounts to our readers who purchase NordVPN through our links.

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