NordVPN Privacy Review: Can you Actually TRUST NordVPN? ????

Welcome to our NordVPN assessment on privacy, where we aim to share insights and our personal journey with you. We understand the significance of your online privacy and acknowledge the challenges in selecting the most appropriate VPN. Therefore, we’re eager to convey our perspective on NordVPN, assisting you in determining whether it meets your VPN needs. Thus, join us as we delve into the credibility of NordVPN and if it’s a trustworthy choice for safeguarding your online activities.

NordVPN Privacy Review: Can you Actually TRUST NordVPN? ????

When it comes to using a VPN, one of the most important aspects to consider is the provider’s privacy policy. After all, the whole point of using a VPN is to protect your online privacy and keep your internet activity secure from prying eyes. NordVPN has been making headlines for its trustworthy reputation and numerous security measures, but can you actually trust NordVPN? Let’s take a closer look.


In this review, we’ll cover everything you need to know about NordVPN’s privacy policy and security measures. We’ll also address the controversies surrounding the VPN’s past server breach and examine its current status. By the end of this review, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of NordVPN’s privacy and security standards and be able to determine if it’s the right VPN for you.

What Makes NordVPN a Trustworthy VPN Provider?

There are several factors that contribute to NordVPN’s reputation as a trustworthy VPN provider. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most significant ones:

NordVPN Operates from Panama

NordVPN is based in Panama, a country with privacy-friendly laws and outside the 14 Eyes intelligence-sharing alliance. This location allows NordVPN to operate without the pressure of government surveillance and gives it more freedom to uphold its no-logs policy.

Nord Security Owns NordVPN

NordVPN is owned by Nord Security, a cybersecurity company with multiple apps designed to protect users’ online privacy and security. The fact that NordVPN is part of a larger security brand adds another layer of accountability and credibility.

Multiple Independent Privacy Audits

NordVPN has undergone several independent privacy audits to assess its no-logs policy and overall security standards. These audits were conducted by reputable third-party firms such as PwC, VerSprite, and Deloitte. The results confirmed NordVPN’s commitment to user privacy and security.

Encryption Protocols

NordVPN offers a choice between two encryption protocols: AES-256 and ChaCha20. Both of these protocols are considered to be among the most secure encryption standards and are suitable for protecting sensitive information.

Bug Bounty Program

Following its 2018 server breach, NordVPN implemented numerous security improvements, including launching an extensive bug bounty program. This program incentivizes ethical hackers to find and report any security vulnerabilities in the VPN’s systems and software.

Our Unbiased Opinion

At VPNpro, we don’t allow brands to dictate our opinions. Despite having affiliate links with NordVPN, we stand by our unbiased review, and clicking our links won’t cost users extra while potentially offering discounts.

What Happened in 2018?

In 2018, NordVPN experienced a well-publicized server breach that compromised some user data. The company has since implemented several security improvements to prevent future breaches, including becoming a RAM-only VPN and undergoing independent privacy audits. While the breach was a significant setback for NordVPN, the company has taken responsibility and demonstrated its commitment to security improvements.

The Conclusion: Can You Trust NordVPN?

Overall, we believe that NordVPN is one of the most trustworthy and secure VPN providers available today. Its commitment to user privacy and security is evident in its no-logs policy, independent audits, and security measures. Although the 2018 server breach was a concerning incident, the steps NordVPN has taken since then demonstrate its dedication to security improvements.


  1. Does NordVPN keep logs of my online activity?
    No, NordVPN has a strict no-logs policy, which means that it does not collect or store any user data, including online activity.

  2. Is NordVPN’s encryption strong enough to protect my sensitive information?
    Yes, NordVPN’s choice between AES-256 and ChaCha20 encryption protocols is highly secure and sufficient for protecting sensitive information.

  3. Can I trust NordVPN to keep my data safe?
    Yes, NordVPN has undergone several independent privacy audits, including by reputable firms such as PwC, VerSprite and Deloitte, and has implemented several security measures.

  4. What was the 2018 server breach, and has it been resolved?
    NordVPN experienced a server breach in 2018 that compromised some user data. The company has since implemented numerous security improvements and a bug bounty program to prevent future breaches.

  5. Should I use NordVPN as a VPN provider?
    Ultimately, the decision to choose NordVPN as a VPN provider is up to you. However, based on NordVPN’s privacy policy and security measures, we believe that it is a trustworthy VPN provider worth considering.

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