Is Linus Tech Tips Wrong about PIA VPN?

In this article, we delve into whether Linus Tech Tips is mistaken in their assessment of PIA VPN. Join us as we explore the nuances of this debate and provide our analysis on this topic.

Is Linus Tech Tips Wrong about PIA VPN?


As we navigate the complex world of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), it’s crucial to have a keen eye for detail and a critical mindset. At, we pride ourselves on offering objective VPN reviews backed by data-driven analysis. We understand the significance of choosing the right VPN provider, and that’s why we delve deep into comparisons to aid users in making informed decisions. One topic that has sparked debate is Linus Tech Tips’ perspective on Private Internet Access (PIA) VPN. But is there more to this story than meets the eye?

The Story Unfolds

When Linus Tech Tips, a widely respected tech influencer, discussed PIA VPN as a potential sponsor, eyebrows were raised. The implications of such a partnership go beyond the surface level. As consumers, we are naturally wary of hidden agendas and the impact they may have on the content we consume.

Ownership Concerns

Digging deeper, we uncover that PIA is owned by Cape Technology, a fact that raises legitimate concerns. The tangled web of connections between Cape Technology and other VPN providers raises questions about neutrality and transparency within the industry. How can we trust the objectivity of a VPN review when affiliations may be influencing the narrative?

ExpressVPN’s Checkered Past

In the realm of VPN controversies, ExpressVPN’s association with former US intelligence operatives is a point of interest. How does this history impact the credibility of reviews and recommendations? Can we truly rely on the advice given when potential biases lurk in the shadows?

Corporate Influence

It’s a harsh reality that multiple VPN providers are owned by a handful of corporations. This consolidation leads to potential conflicts of interest that may compromise the integrity of the industry. Understanding these dynamics is crucial in navigating the VPN landscape and making educated choices.

Disclosure for Empowerment

At, we advocate for transparency and disclosure of affiliations. By shedding light on ownership structures and relationships within the VPN industry, we empower users to sift through the noise and make decisions based on unbiased information.


The debate surrounding Linus Tech Tips’ stance on PIA VPN is just one piece of a much larger puzzle. As consumers, we must approach VPN reviews with a critical eye, questioning the motives behind the content we consume. Transparency, disclosure, and objective analysis are the pillars on which informed decisions are built. Only by arming ourselves with knowledge can we navigate the complexities of the VPN landscape confidently.

FAQs After The Conclusion:

1. Are VPN reviews on influenced by sponsorships?
2. How can users ensure they are choosing a VPN that aligns with their needs and values?
3. What steps can consumers take to verify the objectivity of a VPN review?
4. Is it common for VPN providers to have affiliations with other tech companies?
5. How does the merger and acquisition trend in the VPN industry affect competition and user choice?