I Debated Techlore about VPNs – HE LOST!

Have you ever engaged in a discussion with Techlore regarding VPNs? Let me tell you, he didn’t have a chance! In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating realm of VPNs and reveal why they are a critical tool for safeguarding your online privacy and security. So, get ready to be amazed as we discuss the key reasons why VPNs are revolutionizing the digital world today. Prepare to establish your online independence and manage your virtual presence like never before. It’s time to prove to Techlore who the true victor is!


Have you ever engaged in a debate that you felt strongly about and emerged victorious? Well, I recently had the opportunity to debate Techlore, a well-known VPN reviewer, about the accuracy and credibility of his VPN tier list. I was passionate about bringing to light the inconsistencies, errors, and subjective nature of his reviews. It was a battle of wits, knowledge, and critical thinking, and I must say, the outcome was in my favor. In this article, I will share my experience and the key arguments I presented during the debate.

Techlore copied my VPN tier list idea

One of the main points I raised during the debate was the issue of Techlore’s VPN tier list, which strikingly resembled my own original idea. It was evident that he had taken inspiration from my work without proper acknowledgment. This raised concerns about the authenticity of his content and the level of research he puts into his reviews.

Techlore’s VPN tier list has inconsistencies and errors

Upon analyzing Techlore’s VPN tier list, it became apparent that there were several inconsistencies and errors that needed to be addressed. From improperly ranking certain VPNs to overemphasizing minor features, his list lacked the attention to detail necessary for accurate evaluations. It was essential to highlight these errors to ensure that readers are not misled by faulty information.

Techlore rates VPNs based on personal opinion, not objective data

A significant flaw in Techlore’s approach to reviewing VPNs is his heavy reliance on personal opinion rather than objective data. While personal experiences can provide valuable insights, they should not be the sole basis for evaluating VPNs. The lack of a well-defined, objective methodology raises doubts about the credibility of his recommendations.

Techlore claims objectivity but contradicts himself by saying it’s his opinion

During the debate, I pointed out Techlore’s contradictory statements regarding objectivity. On one hand, he claimed to provide an objective evaluation of VPNs, but on the other hand, he often mentioned that his reviews were subjective and based on personal preference. This contradiction further weakened his credibility and highlighted the need for a more transparent reviewing process.

Techlore rates Adguard VPN without ever reviewing it

While discussing Techlore’s VPN tier list, it came to my attention that he had rated Adguard VPN despite never conducting a thorough review of the product. This raised questions about his diligence and the accuracy of his ratings. It is crucial for VPN reviewers to have firsthand experience with the products they review to provide reliable and comprehensive evaluations.

Techlore rates Adguard higher than TorGuard VPN despite never using it

Another contentious point I brought up during the debate was Techlore’s rating of Adguard VPN higher than TorGuard VPN, despite never using the former. This raised concerns about the validity of his comparisons and raised doubts about the consistency and impartiality of his evaluations.

Techlore lacks a metric for data security

One glaring omission in Techlore’s VPN reviews is the absence of a specific metric for data security. Given the primary purpose of VPNs is to protect users’ data and privacy, it is essential to have a well-defined criterion to evaluate the effectiveness of each VPN in this crucial aspect. Techlore’s failure to address this fundamental concern undermines the usefulness of his reviews.

Techlore has subjective criteria for reviewing VPNs

Throughout the debate, I highlighted the subjective nature of Techlore’s criteria for reviewing VPNs. His emphasis on certain features and his personal opinions about the importance of specific aspects of VPN services introduce bias into his evaluations. It is essential to have standardized and objective criteria to ensure fair and accurate assessments.


In my debate with Techlore about VPNs and his tier list, it became evident that his approach and evaluations lacked the rigor and objectivity required to provide reliable recommendations. From inconsistencies and errors to subjective criteria and lack of thorough research, Techlore’s tier list fails to live up to its claim of objectivity and expertise. I believe that readers deserve better, more accurate information when it comes to choosing a VPN service.


  1. Why is it important to have objective VPN reviews?
    Objective VPN reviews are crucial because they provide users with reliable and unbiased information to make informed decisions. Objective reviews focus on evaluating VPN services based on established criteria, ensuring transparency and accuracy.

  2. Can personal opinions be useful in VPN reviews?
    While personal opinions can offer insights into user experiences, they should not be the sole basis for evaluating VPN services. Personal opinions can introduce bias and may not reflect the needs and preferences of a broader audience.

  3. How can readers identify credible VPN reviewers?
    Readers can identify credible VPN reviewers by looking for reviewers who use objective criteria, conduct thorough research, and demonstrate transparency in their evaluation process. Additionally, reading multiple reviews and cross-referencing information can help in making informed decisions.

  4. Why is data security an essential factor in VPN evaluations?
    Data security is a fundamental aspect of VPN services as it determines the level of protection users’ data receives. Evaluating VPNs based on their data security measures ensures that users can trust their chosen VPN to safeguard their sensitive information.

  5. What should readers consider when choosing a VPN?
    When choosing a VPN, readers should consider factors such as data security, server locations, connection speed, ease of use, customer support, and pricing. Additionally, reading comprehensive and objective reviews can provide valuable insights into a VPN’s performance and reliability.

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