Emby vs Jellyfin – Which is better 2023?

Are you finding it hard to decide between Emby and Jellyfin, and curious about which one stands out as the best option in 2023? Search no more! In this blog entry, we’re going to thoroughly examine the capabilities, features, and overall effectiveness of both Emby and Jellyfin, assisting you in arriving at a well-informed choice that matches precisely with your streaming requirements. So, strap in and prepare to navigate through the realms of Emby and Jellyfin to uncover the perfect media server solution designed especially for you.

Emby vs Jellyfin – Which is better 2023?


In this article, we will be diving deep into the world of media server players as Tom Spark, a renowned tech enthusiast and reviewer, compares Emby and Jellyfin in his latest video. Whether you’re a movie buff or a binge-watcher, having a reliable and efficient media server player is crucial for an exceptional streaming experience. So, let’s explore the pros and cons of Emby and Jellyfin to determine which one emerges as the top contender in 2023.

Heading 1: Emby – The Pros and Cons

Sub-heading 1.1: User Interface and Customization

Emby boasts a user-friendly interface that allows you to navigate effortlessly through your media library. It offers extensive customization options, giving you the ability to personalize your streaming experience according to your preferences.

Sub-heading 1.2: Streaming and Transcoding

Emby excels at streaming media content, providing smooth playback without any buffering issues. Additionally, it offers transcoding capabilities, ensuring compatibility with various devices and file formats.

Sub-heading 1.3: Plugins and Extensions

Emby’s plugin and extension support adds versatility to its functionality. With a wide range of available plugins, you can enhance your media server player with additional features and services.

Sub-heading 1.4: Cost and Pricing Structure

While Emby offers a robust free version, its premium features come at a cost. Emby Premiere, the paid subscription, unlocks advanced functionalities such as live TV, DVR, and cloud syncing. Nonetheless, the pricing structure may not be suitable for everyone’s budget.

Heading 2: Jellyfin – The Pros and Cons

Sub-heading 2.1: Open Source and Free

Jellyfin distinguishes itself by being an open-source media player, providing free access to all of its features without any paywalls. This makes it an appealing choice for users who prioritize cost-effectiveness.

Sub-heading 2.2: Community Support and Development

Jellyfin’s open-source nature fosters an active community that constantly contributes to its development. This ensures regular updates, bug fixes, and new features driven by user feedback.

Sub-heading 2.3: Privacy and Security

Jellyfin takes privacy and security seriously, as emphasized by Tom Spark in his video. Without relying on centralized servers, Jellyfin protects your personal data and provides peace of mind while streaming your favorite content.

Sub-heading 2.4: Lack of Official Apps

One drawback of Jellyfin is the absence of official apps on popular platforms. While there are third-party solutions available, the lack of official support may impact user experience for those preferring native apps.

Heading 3: Tom Spark’s Recommendations and Promotions

Sub-heading 3.1: VPN Recommendation for Torrenting

In his video, Tom Spark emphasizes the importance of using a VPN for encrypting and hiding traffic while torrenting. Protecting your online privacy is paramount, and Tom suggests checking out his top 5 VPN recommendations on vpntierlist.com for a secure and reliable VPN service.

Sub-heading 3.2: Best Anti-Doxx Tool Discount Code

Tom Spark mentions a discount code for the best anti-doxx tool in his video. Safeguarding your personal information from doxxing threats is crucial, and the discount code provided by Tom enables viewers to acquire this essential tool at a discounted price.

Sub-heading 3.3: Book Promotion – Grim Dark Fantasy

For fans of grim dark fantasy, Tom promotes his book in his video. If you’re seeking a thrilling and immersive reading experience, Tom’s book promises to transport you into a captivating world filled with darkness and intense storytelling.

Sub-heading 3.4: Cheaper Access to Streaming Services

Tom Spark suggests exploring alternative ways to gain cheaper access to streaming services. By employing techniques such as VPNs, location spoofing, or utilizing discounts and promotions, users can enjoy their favorite content without breaking the bank.

Sub-heading 3.5: Subreddit and Discord Channel Invitation

Towards the end of his video, Tom Spark invites viewers to join his subreddit and Discord channel. These communities provide a platform for like-minded individuals to engage in discussions, share insights, and stay updated with the latest tech trends.


As we conclude this article, it becomes apparent that both Emby and Jellyfin offer unique features and benefits in the realm of media server players. Emby excels in terms of user interface, customization, and plugin support, while Jellyfin stands out with its open-source nature, community-driven development, and privacy focus.

Ultimately, the choice between Emby and Jellyfin boils down to personal preferences and requirements. Whether you prioritize a streamlined user experience or value the freedom of open-source solutions, both Emby and Jellyfin have their merits.


  1. Does using a VPN affect streaming performance?
    Using a VPN may slightly impact streaming performance due to the encryption process. However, with a reliable VPN service, the impact is usually minimal and shouldn’t disrupt your streaming experience.

  2. Are there any additional costs associated with Emby Premiere?
    Emby Premiere unlocks advanced features but comes at a cost. You can check the official Emby website for detailed pricing information and subscription plans.

  3. Can Jellyfin be accessed through official apps on popular platforms?
    While Jellyfin lacks official apps on popular platforms, there are third-party solutions available. These offer compatibility with various devices and platforms, granting access to Jellyfin’s features.

  4. Where can I find Tom Spark’s book for fans of grim dark fantasy?
    You can find Tom Spark’s book for fans of grim dark fantasy on popular online bookstores or on Tom’s official website, where he promotes his literary works.

  5. How can I join Tom Spark’s subreddit and Discord channel?
    To join Tom Spark’s subreddit, simply search for his subreddit name on Reddit and click the “Join” button. Similarly, for his Discord channel, you can find an invitation link in the description of Tom’s video or on his official website.

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