Does TorGuard Block USA Torrenting in 2023?

As I sit here in 2023, reflecting on the current state of torrenting within the USA, I’m particularly captivated by one question: Is torrenting blocked in the USA by TorGuard? As someone deeply invested in torrenting, it’s crucial for me to investigate this matter thoroughly and share what I discover with those who share my passion. In this blog entry, I aim to examine the torrenting landscape as it stands today in the USA, explore the role that TorGuard plays within this context, and ultimately provide clarity on whether it restricts torrenting activities. Let’s embark on this journey together to unravel the reality and illuminate the changing dynamics of torrenting in the United States.

Does TorGuard Block USA Torrenting in 2023?


My name is Tom Spark, and in this review, I will be discussing whether TorGuard, a popular VPN service, blocks torrenting in the USA in 2023. There have been rumors circulating about TorGuard implementing restrictions on torrenting, particularly on their US servers. As an avid user of TorGuard, I believe it is essential to shed light on this issue and provide an honest assessment of the situation.

The Rumors Unveiled

TorGuard is a renowned VPN service that has gained popularity among torrenting enthusiasts due to its fast and secure servers. However, there have been ongoing discussions suggesting that TorGuard has recently started blocking torrenting on their US servers. These rumors have caused concern among users who heavily rely on the service for their torrenting needs.

Bypassing the Blockage

While it is true that TorGuard has taken measures to restrict torrenting on their US servers, there are still ways to bypass this blockage. BitTorrent applications offer specific features that can help users circumvent this limitation. By enabling protocols like TCP and UDP in the application’s settings, users can successfully establish a connection and continue torrenting with TorGuard.

TorGuard’s Experience with Torrenting

Contrary to the rumors, torrenting with TorGuard has never been an issue for its user base. The service has remained dedicated to supporting torrenting activities, offering stable and reliable connections to ensure a seamless experience. Users have praised TorGuard for its commitment to privacy and security while facilitating torrenting, making it a top choice for many VPN users.

The Spread of Misinformation

Unfortunately, some websites, like Restore Privacy, have contributed to the spread of misinformation about TorGuard’s torrenting capabilities. Incorrect claims and misleading content can harm the reputation of a service without providing accurate and verified information. It is crucial for users and reviewers alike to exercise due diligence and verify information before disseminating it to others.

A Test of TorGuard’s Torrenting Functionality

To provide more clarity surrounding the issue, I conducted a comprehensive test to assess TorGuard’s torrenting functionality. The results were clear: TorGuard continues to support torrenting on their US servers. The blockage that has been rumored appears to be unfounded, and users can confidently utilize TorGuard for all their torrenting needs.


In conclusion, the claims suggesting that TorGuard blocks torrenting in the USA in 2023 have been proven to be inaccurate. TorGuard remains a reliable VPN service that supports torrenting activities on their US servers. It is essential to rely on accurate information and trustworthy sources when making judgments about a service’s capabilities. For accurate and trustworthy VPN reviews, I encourage you to visit my website at


Q: Can I still torrent with TorGuard in the USA?

A: Yes, you can still torrent with TorGuard in the USA. Despite rumors suggesting otherwise, TorGuard continues to support torrenting activities on their US servers.

Q: Are there any additional steps required to bypass the blockage?

A: No, there are no additional steps required to bypass the blockage. By enabling specific protocols like TCP and UDP in your BitTorrent application’s settings, you can easily continue torrenting with TorGuard.

Q: Is TorGuard a trustworthy VPN service?

A: Yes, TorGuard is a trustworthy VPN service that prioritizes privacy and security. It has a strong track record of providing reliable connections for torrenting activities.

Q: What should I do if I encounter any issues with TorGuard’s torrenting functionality?

A: If you encounter any issues with TorGuard’s torrenting functionality, I recommend reaching out to their customer support. They have a dedicated team that can assist you in resolving any problems you may have.

Q: Where can I find more VPN reviews?

A: For more accurate and trustworthy VPN reviews, I encourage you to visit my website at You’ll find comprehensive reviews that can help you make informed decisions about VPN services.

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