Best VPN Under $5 With Port Forwading and Fast Speeds? AirVPN vs Proton vs Mullvad?

Are you on the lookout for the best VPN options under $5, offering both port forwarding and fast speeds? In this blog post, we will compare three of the leading VPN providers: AirVPN, Proton, and Mullvad. He’ll take you through their features and performance, helping you make an informed decision. So, let’s dive in and find the perfect VPN to meet your needs.

Best VPN Under $5 With Port Forwarding and Fast Speeds? AirVPN vs Proton vs Mullvad?


In the vast world of VPN services, finding one that offers port forwarding at a reasonable price while maintaining fast speeds can be quite a daunting task. Luckily, Tom Spark’s Reviews has created a video that delves into this very topic. In this article, we will review the video and discuss the best VPN options under $5 with port forwarding and fast speeds, comparing AirVPN, Proton, and Mullvad.

The Video Discussion

The Best VPN for Port Forwarding Under $5

Tom Spark’s Reviews provides us with valuable insights into the VPN market, focusing specifically on VPN services that offer port forwarding capabilities. Port forwarding allows users to bypass network restrictions and connect to specific applications or services securely. The video sheds light on the best options available, ensuring that users can enjoy a seamless experience while staying within their budget.

The Need for Fast Speeds

In today’s digital age, speed is of utmost importance. The video acknowledges this requirement and emphasizes the significance of choosing a VPN service that not only offers port forwarding but also maintains fast speeds. It’s reassuring to know that even with advanced features like port forwarding, users can still enjoy a smooth browsing experience without compromising on speed.

The VPN Quiz

One standout aspect of Tom Spark’s Reviews is the inclusion of a VPN quiz on their website. This quiz helps users determine the best VPN service based on their specific needs and requirements. By answering a series of questions, users can find the perfect VPN that caters to their individual preferences, making the decision-making process much easier and more personalized.

Discounts and Deals

Tom Spark’s Reviews highlights exclusive discounts and deals offered by VPN providers. For instance, using the code “tomspark2023” grants users a 50% discount on TorGuard. This is a significant discount that enables users to enjoy top-notch service at a more affordable price. Additionally, Surfshark offers an impressive 82% off discount, along with four extra months of service. These discounts are definitely worth considering when looking for a VPN with port forwarding capabilities.

Join the Discord Community

The video urges viewers to join the Discord community provided in the video’s description. This community serves as a platform for like-minded individuals to share their experiences, ask questions, and seek advice on VPN services. Being part of such a community can greatly enhance the overall VPN experience, as users can learn from others and gain valuable insights.

Affiliate Links

It’s important to note that both the video and its description contain affiliate links. These links allow Tom Spark’s Reviews to earn a commission if users make a purchase through them. While this doesn’t affect the credibility of the information provided, it’s essential to be aware of the underlying affiliate relationship.

Addressing the VPN Subreddit

The video acknowledges a post on the VPN subreddit by a user looking for a VPN with port forwarding at a reasonable price. By addressing this specific concern, Tom Spark’s Reviews shows their commitment to catering to the needs of their audience. It’s clear that the video was created with the intention of providing a solution to a common query within the VPN community.


Finding a VPN service that offers port forwarding and fast speeds under $5 can be a challenging task. However, thanks to Tom Spark’s Reviews, users now have valuable insights into the best options available. Considering the reviews of AirVPN, Proton, and Mullvad, users can make a well-informed decision based on their specific requirements. By utilizing the information provided in the video, users can now enjoy a seamless browsing experience without breaking the bank.


  1. Are these VPN services reliable?

All three VPN services reviewed, namely AirVPN, Proton, and Mullvad, have established a strong reputation in the VPN market. They are known for their reliability, privacy, and security features.

  1. Do these VPNs offer port forwarding?

Yes, all three VPN services offer port forwarding capabilities. This allows users to bypass network restrictions and connect to specific applications or services securely.

  1. Can I use these services for streaming and torrenting?

Absolutely! AirVPN, Proton, and Mullvad are all suitable for streaming and torrenting purposes. They offer fast speeds, ensuring a smooth streaming experience, and allow users to securely torrent without any restrictions.

  1. Do these VPNs have user-friendly interfaces?

Yes, all three VPN services reviewed have user-friendly interfaces that are easy to navigate. Even beginners can quickly adapt to these services and connect to VPN servers effortlessly.

  1. Can I use these VPNs on multiple devices?

Yes, AirVPN, Proton, and Mullvad support multiple devices. You can use them on your laptop, smartphone, tablet, and other compatible devices simultaneously.

Remember to always reference your sources and look for user reviews to further validate your decision before subscribing to any VPN service.