Best VPN for Unblocking Censored Internet Iran and China – v2ray guide

Do you find yourself frustrated with the constrictions and barriers while surfing the web? Are you in Iran or China, facing challenges in accessing websites that are prohibited in your region? If so, it might be time to think about employing a Virtual Private Network (VPN). In this blog post, we’re going to delve into the top VPNs for getting around internet censorship in Iran and China, and offer a detailed tutorial on utilizing v2ray, an effective protocol designed to overcome online censorship.

Best VPN for Unblocking Censored Internet Iran and China – v2ray guide


As internet censorship continues to tighten around the world, more and more people are turning to VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) to access blocked websites, applications, and services. This is especially crucial in countries like Iran and China, where the government-imposed censorship is severe, and accessing information that is essential for daily activities becomes a challenge.

VPNs serve as a practical solution for those seeking to bypass internet restriction and access censored contents through a proxy network. TorguardVPN and V2Ray are two prominent VPN options that have gained a reputation for their efficient, fast, and untraceable solutions for unblocking internet restrictions in censored countries.

TorguardVPN: An Anonymous Proxy Solution

TorguardVPN is one of the most popular VPN solutions available, providing users with a powerful anonymous proxy network that bundles different proxies for unblocking internet restrictions. The router’s simplicity facilitates ease of use for the most inexperienced users, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking for an accessible and efficient VPN solution.

The platform also offers the added benefit of a promo code, “Tom proxy”, which offers a 30% discount on the proxy plan’s price. This makes TorguardVPN an affordable option that does not sacrifice quality.

V2Ray Network: A Potent Proxy Option

The V2Ray network is another potent proxy option and the preferred protocol for accessing restricted websites and applications in censored countries such as Iran. V2Ray is an open-source platform that relies on the transport layer security protocol to enhance encryption and bypass internet censorship.

Setting up V2Ray is simple and straightforward, and Torqueboard makes it easy to set up different proxies through its release pages. The network’s versatility is highlighted by its compatibility with various platforms, including iOS, Android, and Windows.

Advantages of Using A Proxy Like V2Ray

  • Fast internet speeds with minimal degradation
  • Protection of personal information through end-to-end encryption
  • Enhanced privacy and security due to anonymity
  • Ability to access restricted websites, applications, and services quickly


For anyone seeking to access censored contents or restricted websites and applications in countries like Iran and China, VPNs provide a practical and powerful solution. TorguardVPN and V2Ray are two VPN options that have proved efficient and effective in bypassing internet censorship in these countries, with both platforms celebrating a significant user base. By leveraging the power of VPNs, users can access restricted contents while enjoying online privacy and security.


  1. Will V2Ray work on all devices?
  • Yes, V2Ray is compatible with various platforms such as iOS, Android, and Windows.
  1. Is TorguardVPN’s promotion code “Tom proxy” still valid?
  • Yes, as of writing this article, the promotion code “Tom proxy” still offers a 30% discount on the proxy plan price.
  1. Can I access censored contents on V2Ray without degrading my internet speed?
  • Yes, V2Ray offers fast internet speed with minimal degradation of speed.
  1. Can one access restricted websites and services on Torqueboard?
  • Yes, Torqueboard makes it easy to set up different proxies, including V2Ray, which allows access to restricted websites and services.
  1. What benefits does a VPN like TorguardVPN offer?
  • TorguardVPN offers an anonymous proxy network that bundles different proxies for unblocking internet restrictions. It is fast, efficient, and affordable, with a 30% discount on the proxy plan price using the promotion code “Tom proxy.”

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