Best Free VPN for Windows | 3 FREE VPN for PC Options (2023)

Are you in search of trustworthy and affordable methods to protect your internet activities on Windows? Search no more! This article will introduce three outstanding free VPN services designed especially for Windows users. Boasting significant capabilities and strong performances, these VPNs provide thorough security and unblocked access to the internet. No matter if your focus is on safeguarding your online presence, maintaining data confidentiality, or unlocking content limited by geography, these VPNs are equipped to handle your needs. Uncover the top free VPNs for Windows in 2023 and elevate your web browsing experience!

Best Free VPN for Windows | 3 FREE VPN for PC Options (2023)


In today’s digital age, privacy and security have become paramount concerns for internet users. One effective way to protect your online activities is by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN encrypts your internet connection, giving you the ability to browse the web anonymously and securely. While there are plenty of VPN options available, this article will focus on the best free VPNs for Windows users in 2023. We will provide a comprehensive review of three popular options: ProtonVPN, TunnelBear, and Atlas VPN.

ProtonVPN: The Number One Free VPN Option for Windows

ProtonVPN is highly recommended as the top free VPN option for Windows users. It stands out from the competition because it does not collect or sell user data, ensuring a high level of privacy. With ProtonVPN, you can enjoy secure internet browsing without worrying about your personal information being compromised.

Here are some key features of ProtonVPN:

  • Limited Access to Three Locations: ProtonVPN provides access to servers in three different locations. While this may be limiting compared to premium VPNs, it still allows for a satisfactory browsing experience.

  • No Streaming or Torrenting Support: One drawback of ProtonVPN is its lack of support for streaming and torrenting. If you primarily use a VPN for these purposes, ProtonVPN may not be the best choice for you.

TunnelBear: Another Option for Free VPN

Another popular option for a free VPN is TunnelBear. Unlike ProtonVPN, TunnelBear offers access to multiple servers and imposes a 3GB monthly bandwidth limit.

Here are some key features of TunnelBear:

  • Multiple Server Locations: TunnelBear provides users with a variety of servers to choose from, allowing for better flexibility in accessing geo-restricted content.

  • 3GB Monthly Bandwidth Limit: While TunnelBear offers free VPN services, they impose a 3GB monthly bandwidth limit. If you exceed this limit, you may need to upgrade to a paid plan.

Atlas VPN: Free VPN with Torrenting Support

Atlas VPN is another free VPN option worth considering, especially for users who engage in torrenting. It allows for torrenting and offers a limited number of locations for users.

Here are some key features of Atlas VPN:

  • Torrenting Support: Unlike some other free VPNs, Atlas VPN allows users to engage in torrenting activities. This feature can be beneficial for those who frequently download files.

  • Limited Number of Locations: While Atlas VPN provides access to a limited number of locations, it still offers adequate choices to ensure a decent browsing experience.

Premium VPN Options for More Features and Unrestricted Access

Although the free VPN options mentioned above have their merits, users looking for additional features and unrestricted access may consider premium VPN services. Here are three recommended premium VPN options:

  1. ExpressVPN: ExpressVPN places a strong focus on security and anonymity. With its robust encryption protocols, you can trust that your online activities are protected. Additionally, ExpressVPN offers a vast network of servers worldwide, ensuring unrestricted access to geo-restricted content.

  2. NordVPN: NordVPN goes above and beyond with its bonus features and strong encryption. Its CyberSec feature helps block malicious websites and ads, enhancing your overall browsing experience. NordVPN also operates a vast network of servers, ensuring optimal performance and accessibility.

  3. Surfshark: Surfshark is a budget-friendly VPN that offers essential security features. One unique aspect of Surfshark is its ability to share with multiple users. This can be particularly useful for families or small businesses looking to secure multiple devices simultaneously.


When it comes to choosing a free VPN for Windows, ProtonVPN, TunnelBear, and Atlas VPN are excellent options to consider. Each has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. For users requiring more features and unrestricted access, premium VPN options such as ExpressVPN, NordVPN, and Surfshark are highly recommended.

Please refer to the video description for detailed reviews and potential discounts for all mentioned VPNs.


  1. Can I use ProtonVPN for streaming and torrenting?
  2. Does TunnelBear have any limitations on the number of devices I can use simultaneously?
  3. Is Atlas VPN completely free, or does it have a paid version as well?
  4. Are premium VPNs like ExpressVPN, NordVPN, and Surfshark worth the cost?
  5. How can I find discounts for the mentioned VPNs?

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