5 Things Not to Do on a VPN… YIKES!

Our blog post today is all about ensuring a safe and secure online experience. In this guide, we will dive into the top five things you should always avoid while using a VPN. So, buckle up and join us as we uncover the essentials of what NOT to do on a VPN. YIKES!

5 Things Not to Do on a VPN… YIKES!


Well, howdy folks! Today we’re gonna talk about VPNs, those nifty tools that keep our online lives safe and sound. But hold your horses, partner! There are some things you should never do while riding the VPN trail. Let’s rustle up the top 5 things not to do on a VPN.

1. Shindig on Someone Else’s VPN Account

Now, listen here, folks. Sharing your VPN account may sound like a hoot, but it can lead to more trouble than a bull in a china shop. You see, sharing VPN accounts can lead to termination faster than a greased pig in a rodeo. So, keep your VPN to yourself, partner!

  • Sharing VPN accounts can lead to termination without refund

2. Guzzle Data Like There’s No Tomorrow

Y’all better listen up now! Downloading excessive data while strutting your stuff on a VPN can spell trouble faster than a snake in the grass. If you’re hogging all the bandwidth, your account might end up in the doghouse. So, watch your data like a hawk, ya hear?

  • Downloading excessive data can result in account termination

3. Play by the Rules, Paw!

When you’re treading the VPN territory, make sure to steer clear of any back-alley shenanigans. Avoid illegal activities on VPN networks like the plague! VPNs are for legal purposes, like torrenting Linux ISOs or getting past pesky geo-blocks. So, keep it clean, folks.

  • Avoid illegal activities on VPN networks

4. Don’t Be a Pest: No Website Spammin’

Pardon my French, but spammin’ websites using a VPN is like barking up the wrong tree. VPNs are for anonymity, unblocking sites, and secure browsing – not for causing a ruckus. So, mind your manners and don’t go spammin’ like a headless chicken.

  • Do not spam websites using VPN

5. Keep Your Wits About Ya: Be Smart with Your Data

Last but not least, don’t go off the deep end with your online antics while on a VPN. Be cautious with your data usage and online activities. Follow VPN guidelines like a seasoned pro to maintain that good ol’ account security. Remember, safety first!

  • Be cautious with data usage and online activities on VPNs


Well, folks, that’s a wrap on the 5 things not to do on a VPN. Remember, a VPN is your trusty steed in the wild west of the internet. Treat it right, and it’ll keep you safe and sound. Now, saddle up and ride off into the sunset, savvy?


  1. Can I share my VPN account with my friends and family?
  2. How much data is considered excessive when using a VPN?
  3. What legal activities can I do on a VPN?
  4. Are there any consequences for spamming websites while using a VPN?
  5. How can I ensure my data security while using a VPN?